Seattle University quad and fountain looking north

Interdisciplinary Arts, 领导艺术, BA

结合你的艺术学科与商业管理技能的跨学科艺术-艺术领导计划. Lead complex arts organizations.

About this Program

Effectively Lead Arts Organizations

艺术领导专业的跨学科艺术学士学位是为想要创造的学生设计的, 管理或管理特定艺术学科内的创造性活动.

该项目将课堂学习与当地艺术组织的实习相结合,为毕业后的生活做好准备, 无论你是想以艺术家的身份经营自己的事业,还是在博物馆或剧院工作.

In the arts leadership specialization, 您将学习在当今的艺术环境中领导和取得成功所需的专业和商业技能.

Tailored for arts organizations, your courses develop the specific business, 领导复杂艺术组织所需的专业和个人技能.

You’ll learn the latest business management, 金融, 领导非营利艺术组织的营销和筹款技巧和策略.

With the help of your 教师 adviser, 你将设计一个专门从事艺术领导的项目,同时继续你的创造性工作.

领导艺术 学位 at a Glance

Learn how this degree from the Department of Performing Arts and 领导艺术 will contribute to your career goals. 然后,探索课程要求,看看国外博彩app的学位有多大的影响力.

艺术领导专业的跨学科艺术学士学位是为想要创造的学生设计的, 管理或管理特定艺术学科内的创造性活动.

Program highlights

  • 灵活性:学生在艺术领导核心课程和商业、视觉和表演艺术等其他领域的课程之间取得平衡.
  • Coursework: classes are offered in 金融, 市场营销, 创业, law and fundraising in the arts.
  • 实习:所有学生在当地艺术组织进行5学分的实习, like the Seattle Art Museum or Seattle Repertory Theatre.

Four-Year Program of Study

Junior Transfer Program of Study


  • Demonstrate an understanding of the political, 社会, technological and economic contexts in the field of arts administration.
  • 运用领导力和企业家精神的原则,因为它们在艺术组织中是唯一实现的.
  • 认识和解决艺术中的道德和伦理挑战,因为耶稣会天主教的传统.
  • 理解并运用财务工具和分析,为合理的决策提供信息,并将财务结果传达给主要利益相关者.
  • 运用市场营销的理论和概念来发展观众,并促进艺术作为一个有价值的社会部门.
  • 了解如何发展有效的募款策略以从机构募款, government and individual donors.
  • Demonstrate effective communication in speech and in writing.

In the 小 in Interdisciplinary Arts – 领导艺术, 你将自己沉浸在艺术探索和领导力发展的动态融合中. Guided by expert 教师, you navigate a rich tapestry of disciplines, 磨练你的创造性表达,同时获得领导和塑造艺术未来的技能. 要获得辅修学位,你需要在这一领域修满至少30个学分.

What You’ll Learn

Learn about the classes you’ll take as a student here.

Real-World Experience: 领导艺术 Internship

参加 艺术领导课程 的学生在当地艺术组织进行五学分的实习.


这次实习为学生提供了将所学知识应用于资源开发的机会, 艺术营销, audience development and general management to actual positions within Puget Sound arts organizations.

People Enjoying Art at a Gallery

Arts Opportunities in Seattle

Seattle University is part of the thriving Capitol Hill Arts District, 这是西雅图市命名的第一个艺术区,也是华盛顿州最密集的艺术社区!

There are over 40 arts organizations in the district, including the Photographic Center Northwest, 第十二大道艺术, Northwest Film Forum, 弗莱艺术博物馆, 艺术家的信任, 和雨果之家.

The 5th Avenue Theater, A Contemporary Theater, Seattle Art Museum, 瓦纳瓦里, the Wing Luke Museum, and Benaroya Hall – home to the Seattle Symphony – are also nearby.

Easily accessible by public transit is the Seattle Center, home to the Space Needle and several arts organizations, including the Museum of Pop Culture, Vera项目, Seattle Repertory Theatre, 西雅图歌剧院, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Seattle Shakespeare Company and the Seattle Children’s Theatre.


这只是西雅图地区数百个艺术组织中的一个样本, 为国外博彩app的学生提供了许多学习和学习的机会.

Prepared For Success

Emilio Garcia Corona
Click to play the video

Arts Leaders Who Make a Difference

通过学生故事讲述者Emilio Garcia-Corona的经历了解艺术领导计划.

Seattle University students practice for their upcoming performances

Creative Spaces: Lee Center

李中心是国外博彩app最先进的表演和展览空间,位于第十二大道和东马里恩街的拐角处. Designed to enrich the artistic experience of students, 教师, 工作人员, and the greater community, the center houses the "black-box theater" John Eshelman Stage, 现场购物, 服装商店, 绿色的房间, 更衣室, and Hedreen Gallery


Studios and Galleries for Artists

视觉艺术系包括几个工作室和画廊,艺术和视觉文化研究的学生可以从中受益. 探索致力于发展艺术家和展示学生作品的光线充足的空间.

People Learning About Printmaking

Creative Spaces: Billodue Makerspace

The Billodue Makerspace at Seattle University, 位于吉姆和珍妮特·西尼格尔科学与创新中心(西尼格尔中心), provides creative spaces for artistic exploration.你可以参加各种与创客相关的活动,包括缝纫, 纤维艺术, 3 d打印技术, 激光切割, 电子产品, vinyl cutting and glass work.

A information session at Seattle University

Pathways to Professional Formation

文理学院致力于帮助您通过 您的专业形成和洞察力的一生旅程. 我们提供机会加深和拓宽您对自己职业身份的理解.

